Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pokemon Yellow Rapid-Fire Glitch Week! WEDNESDAY!

I will never truly understand why Wednesday is spelled WED-NES-DAY. It's pronounced wendsday, but nope. It's spelled WEDNESDAY!? How does that even work? Anyways, it is Wednesday, halfway through our PYRFGW, or Pokemon Rapid-Fire Glitch Week. WARNING:THIS GLITCH CAN CORRUPT YOUR GAME SO BE PREPARED! So, I figured, why not do... AGATHA ULTIMA! THE MOST CHALLENGING GLITCH AROUND! As most of you know, Agatha is a leader in the elite four. Well she must have eaten A LOT OF RARE CANDIES! AT LEAST 205?! So here is what you need:

  1. The trainer next to nugget bridge on the left side in the patch of grass, not fought yet.
  2. Strong Pokemon with a special stat of 246 (Ideally a level 96 Magneton with Spec. Stat not raised.)
  3. A Pokemon that can Learn HM02 Fly.
  4. An escape rope
  5. Good Luck
Okay, go to that trainer near Nugget Bridge. Stand 1 step in front of his view. Save. Do the same thing you did for mew. Step and quickly press start. Then Fly to Vermillion City. Go to the route past diglett's cave. DO NOT fight any trainers or wild pokemon. Just run from wild pokemon. Walk up to the trainer in the bottom righthand corner of this area, he has green are behind him. He is an engineer. Beat hme. HE has 2 magnemites and a magneton. Remember that when you beat him he says "Woah, you spark plug!" Then fly to Cinnabar Island. Go into pokemon mansion. Run from battles. DO NOT FIGHT! Go to the area where you can find a ditto, and find one. Let ditto transform into you. DO NOT KILL HIM BEFORE HE TRANSFORMS INTO YOU! Kill him after he transforms into you. Use an escape rope. You should appear in front of Cerulean City's Pokemon Center. Then you can get all of your strong pokemon from your box if you need to. Then move all your pokemon into your 1st box. There is a chance this may corrupt your game.   Beware! Anyways, go onto Nugget Bridge. A text box should appear that says something along the lines of "Ow! Stomped Flat!" Then, a battle between you and Agatha Ultima should commence. It is a very challenging battle! She has a level 205 Dodrio, a level 205 Seel, a level 205 Seadra, a level 205 Pikachu, a level 205 Growlithe,  and a level 205 Glitch pokemon called Z. Good luck!


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