Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Borderlands 2 Minecraft Easter Egg

So we all know the smash video game hit, Borderlands 2, along with the many Easter Eggs hidden in not just this game, but the previous game as well. Many people know this easter egg, but I'm here to give you detailed instructions on getting to it. But first, some history on the game for some viewers who may have not played the games. In each game, you have the choice at the beginning to choose a style of character-
Commando, Siren, Gunzerker, or Assassin. Each class has it's own special abilities. (e.g. Commando has Sabre Turret, Assassin can turn invisible, ect.) As you progress through the game, enemies get more challenging and you get skill points to level up. Each game has an enormous amount of weapons to find! And of course, this game provides an amazing and humorous story line. Now let's get to the EASTER EGG!

As you progress through the game, you can go into an area called Caustic Caverns. This link will take you to the Wikia about this stage in the game. The Caustic Caverns is a dangerous place, full of at least 19-21 leveled enemies. *REMEMBER* THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL AREA! BE PREPARED! So you will need to find the rails. These look like ordinary rails, with minecarts on or near them. Remember that these minecarts do not look like minecraft minecarts. Eventually, you should see some... Minecraft Blocks! They will look like stone and dirt. Dig through these blocks. You will see ores, and you can mine them if you want. You should find a huge cavern, but be prepared. There will be 3 Creepers and a Badass Creeper! You can reuse this easter egg over and over!
Thanks for reading,

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